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kathrynhr 09-23-2010 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1657575)
I went to the darkside on the EVO's launch day and have not looked back yet... Rooted, removed all of the Sprint bloatware and loving it.... STILL...

I got mine on launch day as well, and am also bloat-free. 8-)

I haven't had any religious experiences with the EVO/Android, but will say that I do way more with my phone now than I did with my 8330.

My favorite thing about Android is the ability to set up your phone so that you can see every piece of information you want - and only those you want - at a single glance. You don't have to spend time loading, opening and navigating between eight different apps to see those eight different apps' data. Just drop their widgets on your screen and configure them to look and update themselves the way you want. Whenever you pick up your phone you'll see whatever you want to see.

Whether doing way more with your phone is a good or a bad thing is certainly up for debate... sometimes it's scary to me how many hours per day human beings spend staring at backlit screens.

rambo47 09-25-2010 04:19 PM

I too had a 3-week flirtation with Android. Samsung Epic 4G. I came back less then an hour ago, calling Sprint and changing back to my Bold 9650. I plan a mini-review shortly. Meanwhile, here are some cool apps I was using in addition to a bunch others have already mentioned:

Google Earth - It was made for these larger screen devices.
Google Sky Map - Totally cool for identifying stars, planets, constellations, etc.
DroidSat - Like Skymap, but this shows positions and identifies all satellites.
Yelp - It's like Poynt but for Android. It adds the ability to review places and add photos when you visit.
Barcode Scanner - Good for links to apps folks post, plus it scans supermarket barcodes and provides pricing info. (review:
OI Shopping - Closest thing to MaraTick I could find. Simple shopping list app.
PureRSS 1.3 - RSS news reader like Viigo. More of a pain to set up, but it does auto-updates of all your channels and does a good job.
Beautiful Live Weather - Lets your home screen show moving clouds, rain, etc across the entire screen. Even clouds drift by when the forecast calls for it. Really looks great in conjunction with Giraffe Live Wallpaper (mentioned below).

I had a couple of Live Wallpapers I liked as well, including Giraffe and Galactic Core Free.

wabbit 09-27-2010 07:39 PM

i noticed this, htc incredible battery life is bad. i even swapped it out to a 1500mha battery. but then again this is a 1 ghz cpu and pretty loaded phone so to complain over battery is kinda of rough. the phone is ahead of any power battery on the market.

google googles is cool, but the best thing i think is i can actually use flash web site when i need them. fantasy football is awesome on my phone now if i could only win LMAO

lraed74 09-27-2010 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by wabbit (Post 1653799)
and got a droid.

i like it so far. very customizable. and the widgets rock.

bbm i miss you!

thats all i'm still skeptical on rooting.

I just got a Droid also and loving it! I've had a blackberry from the 950 . 9550. I have nothing bad to say about Blackberry, they served me well but until they can reach closer to what Android can already do, I'm not looking back. Rooted mine the first night and put ShapeWriter on, which is basically the same as Swype, I've used both but prefer ShapeWriter. Typing/sliding like this is the only way to type now! Along with the other things you can do with rooting, Au revoir Blackberry, which I never thought I'd say!

LunkHead 10-09-2010 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1657575)
I went to the darkside on the EVO's launch day and have not looked back yet... Rooted, removed all of the Sprint bloatware and loving it.... STILL...

My love affair with the EVO has ended... Picked up a Droid X last week... Woooohoooo

wabbit 10-11-2010 09:03 PM

root explorer is just awesome instantly delete verizon crap ware is a plus.

rom manager is nice, had a few issues with some roms and bluetooth connect with my car so i'm back in a gutted verizon backup rom.

really waiting on a more stable cygenmod rom cant wait!!!

LunkHead 10-12-2010 04:25 PM

Verizon's bloatware is not as bad as Sprints was.... I actually use some of the Verizon bloatware, had little to no time for the Sprint crap...

rambo47 10-12-2010 05:31 PM

Sprint's bloat-ware is the WORST! They don't typically cripple features, but they sure load up a ton of their own crapola.

wabbit 10-13-2010 06:06 PM

i dont know what comes on sprint phones. but that city id pop up was the worst thing ever on the phone. esp since with out root you cant remove the popup.

Blakely 10-14-2010 11:32 AM

I am thinking of trading my 8330 in for a Droid 2. It feel's weird to say that I'm jumping ship but I just want something new and different. Going to Vzn store on Sat am to play around with the different models. Any thoughts from anyone?

rambo47 10-14-2010 12:12 PM

The key is to be completely honest with yourself about exactly how you use your device. I was seduced by all the features and multimedia capabilities of Android. And it's not the first time I've done this, leaving BlackBerry to try some new "wow-ee" operating system.

For me, it's become obvious that BlackBerrys work perfectly for me. I just don't use those multimedia features, and in the end I find myself trying to make whatever new device I'm using more like a BlackBerry. So I always come back.

I personally love the Droid. Great size and shape, nice keyboard. My Samsung Epic 4G was just a bit too big to throw in a pocket or handle comfortably. The 4" super AMOLED screen was gorgeous, but after the initial infatuation with it I realized it just didn't handle email like my BB. And that's what I'm all about. Email, messaging, PIM functions, and even voice calls. Trying something new is always a good thing. At the very least it makes you appreciate what you've got. And knowing what's available and what's going on in the communication world is a good thing.

D322 10-14-2010 01:23 PM

I went to the darkside too...but now I'm back.

I had a Samsung Fascinate for 2 weeks. Wow! Brilliant screen. Fluid operating system. Amazing apps/games that aren't available on BB. VERY FAST (1GHz) web-browsing. And most of the apps that I previously used on BB were designed WAY better for android (Yelp, Google Maps, etc). HOWEVER...

The settings I got used to on my BB weren't even an option on the Fascinate: simple stuff like a screen fade not being the same thing as a screen lock; or a decent bedside mode. Just minor things that all added up. And one MAJOR thing: nothing keeps you connected like a BB. Emails would barely push through -- and never timely when they would...even on my Gmail accounts. Facebook updates were almost non-existent.... Basically, besides an actual text message or phone call, I felt completely disconnected from what was going on. Did not like.

So, I'm back to my Storm2. And back to BB...probably for life. I hope the Storm3 (or 4?) is a massive upgrade in processing and screen size though. I do really miss those....

cb808 10-18-2010 04:20 PM

I'm thinking you probably won't be the first haha

BB needs to step it up!


Originally Posted by wabbit (Post 1653799)
and got a droid.

i like it so far. very customizable. and the widgets rock.

bbm i miss you!

thats all i'm still skeptical on rooting.

msarway 10-18-2010 05:40 PM

i went to the droid and iphone and went back to bb 9650 not once but 2 times i am a big gadget guy and i have to say when it comes to a phone i want simple and easy. the droid with all its great apps always had something to slow it down. the iphone was on AT&T and service in NYC was so bad. the BB 9650 was easy to use and its always working. if u want the best invest in an ipad and along with the BB you will be happy.

aygriffith 10-19-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by msarway (Post 1665835)
if u want the best invest in an ipad and along with the BB you will be happy.

Reading that I have flashbacks of the days of 7xxx series iDEN berries that a lot of us carried with data only T-Mobile Sidekicks for browsing.

Although I do have an EVO personally and it is an awesome device. I'm hoping to drop it in favor of a Playbook tethered off of whatever corporate Blackberry I'm sporting when it launches. We'll see what happens.

brykins 10-20-2010 05:19 PM

I've had some time with iPhone and Android and have just come back to Blackberry. I was given an iPhone 3G as a work phone for six months and hated it. As a games device, it was great. BUt as a phone/communicator/organiser, it was seriously lacking. Decided then that I didn't think iPhone was for me.

November last year, T-Mobile offered me an early upgrade and I chose the G2 (HTC Hero) as it was the best they had and almost everyone was saying it was the next best thing to an iPhone. Ended up having to be exchanged due to constant call dropping, missing calls and delayed texts.

The replacement was the same and T-Mobile admitted to me that there was an issue with them. So six months into my contract I got an HTC Desire as a free replacement. But still far, far too many missed calls and texts. Phone would show great signal, but nothing would come through.

Add the horrible on-screen keyboard, the dire Marketplace and the fact that after trying out some nice games and photo effects stuff, I really decided that I didn't need any of these fancy apps.

All I did was text, email, twitter, make lists and notes and some GPS stuff. And I so, so missed a keyboard. So the Desire was sold and am now the happy owner of a 9700 and so, so happy I came back. Everything just works.

wabbit 11-02-2010 06:20 PM

so when apps crash the force close bounces the phone right back! this is neat!

my 9700 would do a random reboot i never really cared guess some app got stuck and it rebooted, iphone would become a brick, and this just bounces back! i'm really semi impressed.

battery life, i put a 1500mha(?) think its in mha rating too lazy to look at the battery, and it lives 30 min longer lol.

overall still pleased with it as a media phone.

when and if i need a blackberry again i would probably go back, but atm i am still really impressed with a driod.

ArgonNJ 11-04-2010 03:16 PM

I haven't picked up my BB or my iphone, for that matter, in over a month. Android is working great and I'm not looking back.

wabbit 11-05-2010 11:23 PM

k i found my first issues, but its custom kernel's and bluetooth.

it just does not work with my car :x:x:x

i'll look up how to use the verizon stock bt stack with a custom rom soon.

jerodp716 11-06-2010 05:14 PM

Good luck!

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