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TBOLTRAM 06-07-2010 11:09 AM

Real question is are you looking for the best device . . . or the least worst? Your search so far has convinced me that the general state of the technology still has a long way to go.

Hope you don't go through girlfriends like you go through phones. LOL

LunkHead 07-05-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by TBOLTRAM (Post 1615648)
Based on history I will curious to know if you will still have this wonder of marketing two weeks from now.

Still have it... This is one of the very few devices to EVER make it past it's 30-day trial...

Still loving it... Would not trade it for anything at the moment...

I did look at the Moto X but Moto Blur or whatever they are calling it is hideous, and them plastic buttons on the bottom ran me off from it rather faaaaast....

So the EVO survived 30-days.... That should say something about it...

NJBlackBerry 07-05-2010 05:17 PM

Does it have a Nascar app?

LunkHead 07-05-2010 07:15 PM

Hahaha... It did but I rooted and removed it...

Now I get more than one hour of crappy battery life... LOL

TBOLTRAM 07-05-2010 08:18 PM

How much crap was on the phone?
How many upgrades has been put out since you got the phone?
Does any crap get put back on during an upgrade?
Does the damn thing have Bing? Useless search engine compared to google although the mobile map function actually works very well.

Verizon loads a lot of crap on the Storm 2 trying to get you to spend money. The only App that I am paying for is City ID as I get calls from all over the country in my job and I can tell quite often which plant is calling me from the City ID. It is worth the couple of dollars a month it costs.

LunkHead 07-05-2010 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by TBOLTRAM (Post 1625802)
How much crap was on the phone?
How many upgrades has been put out since you got the phone?
Does any crap get put back on during an upgrade?
Does the damn thing have Bing? Useless search engine compared to google although the mobile map function actually works very well.

Verizon loads a lot of crap on the Storm 2 trying to get you to spend money. The only App that I am paying for is City ID as I get calls from all over the country in my job and I can tell quite often which plant is calling me from the City ID. It is worth the couple of dollars a month it costs.

A lot... I removed all the Sprint bloatware except for Sprint navigation and Sprint TV

I think there has been one software update but I can't do it because I am rooted

If you are rooted, you have to wait for an updated rooted ROM to be released with the new software patch included..

No to Bling...

I left Sprint navigation and Sprint TV on because they are both free to use and I actually use them... Sprint TV works great for LIVE ESPN and such.. I may however remove it as well since I have Slingbox and Sling player pimpin on it..

The apps do NOT come back once they are removed, as long as you stay rooted..

TBOLTRAM 07-06-2010 12:09 PM

So are you saying that smartphones are the root of all evil? ;-)

kathrynhr 07-06-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1625785)
Hahaha... It did but I rooted and removed it...

Now I get more than one hour of crappy battery life... LOL

What ROM are you using? I'm loving the heck out of Fresh 0.5.3. (y)

LunkHead 07-06-2010 05:13 PM

I am using a stock hacked ROM for now... Thinking about flashing 2.2 later today...

Fresh is a very nice ROM...

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