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ZombieBerry 02-16-2012 11:23 AM

Leaked OS for 9900 - Dedicated Hosting

NJBlackBerry 02-16-2012 11:42 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Thank you!

yahjoogooleh 02-16-2012 01:58 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
For once I agree with you NJ :)!
Posted via Mobile

ZombieBerry 02-16-2012 03:30 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
If any of the links crap out on anyone, send me a PM, and I'll upload the OS to my sharing account.

dc/dc 02-16-2012 04:20 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Sweet! Hopefully this will clear up some of the bugs I have been experiencing on .205.

yahjoogooleh 02-16-2012 04:23 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
I experienced quite a few with 205 that's why I downgraded. I'm hoping for the fixes too. *fingers crossed.*
Posted via Mobile

given2fly 02-17-2012 05:04 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
i didn't have a single bug with .205. and this os is even better imo. snappier and feels..cleaner i guess. batt life is pretty much the same but we now have wifi media sharing which is something i've been waiting for very impatiently lol.

given2fly 02-17-2012 05:11 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900

Originally Posted by yahjoogooleh (Post 1767740)
For once I agree with you NJ :)!
Posted via Mobile

he must've had his latte just then cause for the 1st time this year he was actually nice. :-o ;-)

yahjoogooleh 02-17-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by given2fly (Post 1767891)
he must've had his latte just then cause for the 1st time this year he was actually nice. :-o ;-)

How do you use the wifi media sharing?
Posted via Mobile

NJBlackBerry 02-17-2012 05:44 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Oh boy..

ZombieBerry 02-17-2012 06:14 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Ya have to egg him on eh? sheesh LoL

NJBlackBerry 02-17-2012 06:27 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

SmoothOperator 02-17-2012 11:04 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Sheesh. I kept clicking the wrong links and I ended up downloading junk. Somebody has to pay for the web hosting.

ZombieBerry 02-17-2012 11:08 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Link still works....I get the screen in jumbo with the filename and a blue link that says 'Download File' I clicked and then clicked the filename.

yahjoogooleh 02-18-2012 08:15 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
So after a couple days of use this OS seems pretty solid no real issues yet...hope I didn't jinx myself -_-. The only issue I have is the browser seems kind of flaky at times like lagging and seems slow to respond at times.
Posted via Mobile

marianic 02-18-2012 08:54 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
I installed it today and from my Bell Mobility version of 7.0.585 and the application memory went from around 190Meg free memory to like 163Meg!.. WHats up with that!??.. Any suggestion(s)?

Thanks guys!

ZombieBerry 02-18-2012 09:40 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Talking about Memory or Application storage?

If you click on the Memory [Now] tab, you can see what is eating up your memory. You may have some apps that are open. If you just installed a new version of the OS then it may also take a day or slightly more for your OS and apps to settle in.

I am running 7.1 and have 398.2MB free. Also with Bell.

I would wait a day or two maybe download the 'Device Analyzer' app (Use Google), then track why your memory seems to be at a low level.

marianic 02-19-2012 09:09 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Hi Zombie..

Application Storage


Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1768054)
Talking about Memory or Application storage?

If you click on the Memory [Now] tab, you can see what is eating up your memory. You may have some apps that are open. If you just installed a new version of the OS then it may also take a day or slightly more for your OS and apps to settle in.

I am running 7.1 and have 398.2MB free. Also with Bell.

I would wait a day or two maybe download the 'Device Analyzer' app (Use Google), then track why your memory seems to be at a low level.

ZombieBerry 02-19-2012 09:22 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Same thing would apply to Application Storage as well. Options>Device>Application Management. Clicking on the Application Storage tab will give you a breakdown of what storage is being used by your OS(System), Apps, and Other (Which seems to be added information apps and the OS uses)

I have 19 apps installed and still have 182.5MB free. Have you scrolled down through App storage checking to see if you have any apps installed that you no longer use? I do believe that the amount you have is still more than enough to load all the apps you wanted. You shouldn't have any performance problems with the device.

marianic 02-19-2012 09:32 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900

The strange part is that before I intalled 7.1 it was around 190M and right after, down to 163M??... I checked the installed apps and there is nothing new installed that has been installed.

One thing that looks odd under the Application Management>Memory Now is that the Browser is using 58.7M and Messages is 29.4M ??.. I only have around 15 messges and I do not know why the browser is allocating so much memory??

Is this normal for the Browers app and Mail app to allocate so much memory?


Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1768091)
Same thing would apply to Application Storage as well. Options>Device>Application Management. Clicking on the Application Storage tab will give you a breakdown of what storage is being used by your OS(System), Apps, and Other (Which seems to be added information apps and the OS uses)

I have 19 apps installed and still have 182.5MB free. Have you scrolled down through App storage checking to see if you have any apps installed that you no longer use? I do believe that the amount you have is still more than enough to load all the apps you wanted. You shouldn't have any performance problems with the device.

ZombieBerry 02-19-2012 09:40 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
You keep switching from Memory to Storage.

Since 7.1 has more included in the OS, you would expect that it would take up more space. Sight unseen, the OS is bigger and has more features than

Memory Now, is a list of apps that are open and using resources. Not an amount that is set aside for an app to be installed. I don't use the browser much, but Messages is around 17MB for me. If you feel that you do not have enough memory then close some apps. If you feel you do not have enough storage capacity, then delete unused apps. also has the Device Analyzer, and using that, you can see if your device's performance is being affected.
Option>Device>Advanced System Settings>Device Analyzer

yahjoogooleh 02-19-2012 09:59 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Okay bug I have found my phone will randomly freeze while listening to music and a battery pull is the only way to fix it... :/
Posted via Mobile

stevew 02-20-2012 08:25 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
There also seems to be some bug present where when you send a picture via hesitates and sometimes stalls while in the middle of the send process. i have never seen an issue with this on any build before. I also had an issue during BES activation where the address book would not complete the repopulation process during the OTA activation...despite having activated and reactivated more than once.

dc/dc 02-21-2012 09:24 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
I'm still having the bug/feature of the Mobile Hotspot SSID changing itself. :/

ZombieBerry 02-21-2012 04:53 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
I haven't had that bug yet (Knocks on wood)

At least all my UI issues are over and dealt with.

dc/dc 02-21-2012 07:46 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
It stays to what I set it until I pull the battery, and then it changes back to "T-Mobile BlackBerry XXXX" where XXXX is four random numbers.

ZombieBerry 02-21-2012 07:53 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
I just checked mine, I haven't used it since I upgraded, and it's still the same as I set it. (Either it didn't reset for me, or was restored when my other settings were) Could it be a carrier network request? SSID reset upon exit or something?

dc/dc 02-22-2012 07:07 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1768558)
I just checked mine, I haven't used it since I upgraded, and it's still the same as I set it. (Either it didn't reset for me, or was restored when my other settings were) Could it be a carrier network request? SSID reset upon exit or something?

Entirely possible... It could be something in the service books I suppose. Based on what you're saying, it does seem carrier-related.

stevew 02-22-2012 07:35 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
No it's not -- it's probably only a corrupted install. SSID isn't carrier controlled. I have this OS on my T-Mo phone and it doesn't change the SSID - unless I change it.

dc/dc 02-22-2012 11:56 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900

Originally Posted by stevew (Post 1768605)
No it's not -- it's probably only a corrupted install. SSID isn't carrier controlled. I have this OS on my T-Mo phone and it doesn't change the SSID - unless I change it.

Even after you pull the battery?

OVERKILL 02-23-2012 11:43 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Installing this now.......

ZombieBerry 02-23-2012 11:44 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Sweet. Let us know how it goes. I think you will like this build.
Posted via Mobile

OVERKILL 02-23-2012 11:52 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Will do. It is just booting it now for the first time.

stevew 02-23-2012 08:47 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900

Originally Posted by dc/dc (Post 1768630)
Even after you pull the battery?

I pull the battery every day - so yes. Same on my Bell 9900...

rezaarief 02-25-2012 08:24 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
I have installed this os...seems faster than my previous os 205.....but still have the same problem on maps....the maps if you compare the detail with the one on os 7.0 is less detail.

Batt is pretty much the same with 205...still bad performed.

dc/dc 02-26-2012 01:10 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900

Originally Posted by stevew (Post 1768884)
I pull the battery every day - so yes. Same on my Bell 9900...

Weird. It did it to me even after just a power down on the plane today. I have got to figure out WTF is going on.

OVERKILL 02-27-2012 11:13 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1768807)
Sweet. Let us know how it goes. I think you will like this build.
Posted via Mobile

Seems faster/more responsive than the previous build. Interesting issue: I had it showing the body of the previous e-mail briefly with the header of the current e-mail when it came out of lock, but then that self-fixed after a day or so.

Running smoothly now.

ZombieBerry 02-27-2012 11:16 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Excellent. After my initial install I had some weirdness going on as well. Took a day or two for everything to settle down. Glad things are going well!
Posted via Mobile

given2fly 03-01-2012 03:10 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
same here regarding the initial weirdness. like zombieberry said...after a few days it settled and so far so fabulous. :)

but zombie b, you gotta get another leak from somewhere...come on man, make it happen. ;-p

stevew 03-05-2012 11:53 PM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
I have NEVER had to wait for an OS to "Settle down". That's a big crock...

After the 1st manual reboot on the new OS install, things should be 100%. There's no such thing as a "settling in" period...period.

ZombieBerry 03-06-2012 08:36 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
There is such a thing Steve.

I had to reboot multiple times after upgrading my OS. Apps have to create associations, device permissions, etc..

Glad your device works right after, but for most people, we have a period of adjustment. I see the clock more on that first day or two after an upgrade than any other time.

stevew 03-08-2012 07:00 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Apps create associations ONLY when they are installed and run for the 1st time...

Seriously, there is no "settling in"'s a computer, not my wife. She needed a big settling in period...

ZombieBerry 03-08-2012 08:31 AM

Re: Leaked OS for 9900
Yes Steve. That is what I am talking about. After loading a new OS, I usually reinstall most, if not all of my apps. I usually do it over the course of two days. That is my settling in period. Since I only reinstall my apps after an upgrade, It only happens right after an OS install. Anyways, once again, glad your phone has no settling in period.
Posted via Mobile

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